Case Study: Sarah Berkowitz - Transforming A-Circuit Hunters
Equilibrium has particularly helped Sarah with the young horses she has been importing from Europe to compete and show as hunters. When these horse...
Read more2023 Global Health & Pharma Award Winner - Best Cannabinoid Equine Pharmaceutical Company
Equilibrium has particularly helped Sarah with the young horses she has been importing from Europe to compete and show as hunters. When these horse...
Read moreWhat is the hardest part of rehabbing a horse from a tendon injury? Julien Moreau will tell you that it’s allowing the horse to move, but keeping h...
Read more"I was looking into CBD products for my horse with arthritis from an old injury and tried Equilibrium. I used the 5 day pack on my mare and the results were significant. We rode her on day 5 and her soundness was markedly improved."
Megan Barrett-Whitaker
"One of my clients tried Equilibrium today with her Andalusian gelding. He's typically very tense and spooky on trail rides usually jigging sideways most of the ride. The behavior is the same alone or with other horses. Today he walked out calmly with no jigging and his owner was so relaxed and happy she went for a longer ride. She was very pleased. I'm happy to report a positive outcome."
Rebecca Roach
"I used Equilibrium on a 6YO jumper in rehab who tends to be a little wild outside and it really seemed to work. I really love a few key things; ease of use, the eco-conscious packaging and design, portability, and inoffensive smell/taste.As the daughter of a vet, I really appreciate the quality of the product, and I think there is a lot of opportunity to help horses naturally."
Brinkley Schmidt
"We have a yearling on stall rest with a small fracture, he has become difficult to work with. We tried him on Equilibrium about an hour prior to a soundness jog, his demeanour was greatly improved as well as his action. I am looking forward to seeing how this product might make the rest of the process easier on him mentally and physically."
Michael Byrne
"I have been using CannaHorse Equilibrium for about a month now on my young horses. On some days they really seem to benefit, it helps one nervous four-year-old both relax and focus, we also had a successful time shipping to train off the farm one day. While I know CBD is not competition legal, I see a lot of promise in training and look forward to seeing how it could benefit older horses for recovery and starting back off of breaks."
5* Event Rider
"I used Equilibrium on my best reining 2-year-old that was behaving a little weird, with a sore back and a little anxious. My vet couldn’t find anything structural so I decided to try equilibrium. She has been on it for about 2 weeks and the difference is huge."
Reining Professional
"With Equilibrium I found an improvement in my pony's anxiety and she kept all of her best qualities. I was really impressed, I've never used anything like it. For amateur players, it is a better alternative to overworking horses"
Professional Polo Player
"We have been using Equilibrium recently on a chronic weaver, who would spend his entire day weaving, getting worse at feed time. After his first dose, he settled down to only weave during feeding or when there is activity outside his stall.
After 5 days, he has now been able to socialize with other horses, something he was unable to do before due to aggression. This is a significant improvement to his quality of life."
Caribbean Thoroughbred Aftercare
"We have an 18YO mare on the farm who has been barren for the past three seasons. She's a nervous type and has also carried a lot of fluid and inflammation, which has been difficult to manage. She came up empty again in April and in a sort of Hail Mary, we decided to try her on Equilibrium in late April, after a couple of days, she was noticeably less stressed. She was bred in mid-May and our vet was quite surprised to find that her uterine inflammation had greatly reduced despite being off all of her other medication. We're a ways away from a live foal, but this is a fantastic start, there is a marked improvement in her physically and mentally."
Larry O'Byrne
"I have a horse that is anxious about going out on the trail. He will be balky and will stop, not wishing to go forward. He has spun around to run home, he is not a bad horse, just anxious about leaving the comfort of the barn and his herd. We tried Equilibrium and I could tell from the moment I started grooming him that he was more relaxed. Under saddle, he was more confident and willing. There was no spinning around to go back to the barn. I think the treatment made a big difference for his comfort level, and for me in my enjoyment of our time on the trail."
Gail Palestine
"I tried Equilibrium for my 30 year old Haflinger. He doesn't have any issues but at his age I wanted something that might help him with inflammation and the issues a 30 year old horse might have. I've been happy and he seems to be doing well, he's going to continue using it."
Michelle Dubner
"I tried Equilibrium on both of my horses yesterday while roping and noticed a huge difference. Chip was much more focused and not spooky like he usually is, and thankfully Spot didn't do his usual bucking. I'm definitely going to keep using it."
Annelise Vervoot