Increased Bioavailability, Near-Perfect Dosing, and a Faster Onset

The approach CannaHorse has taken to its equine-targeted hemp products by combining the science of increasing bioavailability of hemp-based ingredients with a data-informed approach to pharmaceutical-grade formulations.

Data-Informed, Endocannabinoid System Approved

CannaHorse product formulations are designed to promote equine health and well-being, incorporating data from Strainprint generated by medical cannabis patients. 

This data informs how certain levels and combinations of cannabinoids and terpenes affect different medical conditions and symptoms across various demographic and behavioral traits. 

Since the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) is present in both humans and horses, we can use this patient-generated data to inform formulations for equines that consider their body mass and how their bodies process foods and medications.

Bioavailability Explained

Bioavailability refers to how much and at what rate something gets absorbed into one's bloodstream. Some factors that affect bioavailability include patient traits (i.e., body mass, age, etc.), route of administration, dose, and formulation of a product. In cannabinoid medicine, a factor in formulation includes the combination of cannabinoids and terpenes and the materials used as carriers of the medicinal properties for absorption.

Many cannabis and hemp products use Medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) oil for their product formulations, a fat carrier that aids in the absorption of the products that many companies claim as more bioavailable. According to Strainprint, when ingesting any concentration of cannabinoids or terpenes with oil, the body absorbs an average of only 20% of that dose, with the onset being relatively slow. With this knowledge, Strainprint's data has informed the formulation of CannaHorse's products through the innovative use of water-emulsification technology.

Emulsification technology breaks down cannabinoids into tiny droplets, making them more soluble in water, or so that it can “dissolve” or completely disperse into a water-based liquid. Water-emulsification technology is utilized in both pharma-grade cannabinoid product formulations and the cannabis beverage sector. This process helps to stabilize the cannabinoids and terpenes while also making products faster-acting with increased bioavailability within the body, which is made up mostly of water.

When working with large animals like horses, dosing needs to be accurate, and increasing bioavailability and absorption, less of the cannabinoids will be processed by the liver, a faster onset means maximum dose, minimum time.

Applying Cannabinoid Medicine to Equine Science

Strainprint's data has informed cannabis and hemp cultivators and processors on the most effective combinations of cannabinoids and terpenes for specific medical conditions, including anxiety, pain, and inflammation when it comes to human subjects. 

The processes of mastication, stomach acid presence, absorption into the small intestine, and hindgut fermentation make horse digestion different from humans. Thus, our formulations account for horses' digestion and how emulsification helps increase bioavailability in equine subjects.

When using our products, much like in humans, most take the "less is more" approach. With a cannabinoid concentration that reflects the body mass of horses in relation to humans, our doses allow owners to start with a minimally effective amount.

Learn more on our Education Page about our unique and innovative approach to combining cannabinoid and equine sciences in our pursuit to improve the health of horses.

Equilibrium by CannaHorse

Bottle of Equilibrium Oral


