FEI Reclassifies CBD as a Controlled Medication
Each year the International Equestrian Federation makes improvements and changes to their rules for each individual sport and also make changes to their lists of controlled medications and banned substances. As first reported in Horse and Hound last July, the FEI has reclassified Cannabidiol (CBD) and Cannabidiolic Acid (CBDa) as Controlled Medications beginning in 2022, removing the cannabinoids from the banned substances list. THC remains on the banned substances list, as it does for the World Anti Doping Agency in human sports.
This marks an important change in the way cannabinoids are viewed in equestrian sports by recognition of their medical value.
CannaHorse applauds the FEI for this important change and opening the door for competitive horses to receive the same potential benefits human athletes are receiving for recovery from exercise and injury.