Case Study: Locked Down on Stall Rest

Horse: Unnamed
Breed/Sex: Thoroughbred Colt
Age: Yearling (13 Months)
Issue: Yearling has been living in a large paddock with three other males.

Paddock has free choice hay, high-quality spring grass, horses have access to an automatic waterer in the run-in shed attached to the barn. They are handled only once per day for their afternoon meal in individual box stalls, morning meal fed outside, this has been their routine since weaning last fall.
The yearling was brought in to eat last week, he was paddock sound but with a large swelling on the outside of his left hind at bottom of the hock. The swelling turned out to be a fractured splint bone requiring stall rest followed by hand walking before returning to turn out. He is currently living in his stall with an older horse across the aisle for company.
After the first few days, he became restless and difficult to handle, at one point refusing to leave the stall to be walked for soundness in the aisleway. On day 7 he was to be jogged on the driveway for soundness, his behaviour became more stubborn and a proper assessment was going to be difficult.
Solution: The following day he was given a single dose of EQUILIBRIUM at approximately 11:00 am before trying to jog him again at noon. He was able to leave the barn and an adequate jog was possible. In his stall he has shown to have less stress, he is eating more consistently and his bowel movements are normal and regular. On day 9 he was successfully able to be hand walked inside a small arena on the farm property with no issues and with no need for a companion during the 20-minute process.
The horse will remain on daily EQUILIBRIUM for 30 days. 


Equilibrium by CannaHorse

Bottle of Equilibrium Oral


